Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wiki So Far

I have yet to contribute to our class wiki however, I have done some research and brainstorming on what I would like to add on. The main topic I would like to add to our wiki is information about sports betting websites and online sports bookies who take bets on agreed upon odds. Most of these sites are illegal and aim to guarantee a profit by achieving a 'balanced book' with point spreads and adjusted odds. Many of these sites give you a line of credit so you don't pay your losses or receive your winnings until the end of the week. Often times, users get carried away because they don't feel like they've actually lost their money and usually tend to chase after their losses throughout the week. I plan to explore this topic more thoroughly in order to contribute towards the class wiki.


  1. This would be interested for people who like to gamble. I would like to know how all this works.

  2. Some people have really bad gambling problems, its really crazy. I know of like small underground gambling facilities that are run out of apartments but they're super secretive. Usually invitations only. They're all over the city and we need to clean it up and shed light on the issues of gambling and addiction. Or maybe I've just been watching too much Daredevil on netflix
