Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Privacy & Confidentiality

As new media continues to grow in an increasingly fast rate, more and more personal information is being uploaded to the Internet. Because of this, privacy and confidentiality play a huge role in new media. Almost all online activities are password protected, providing security to sensitive and unique consumer information. Many online sites such as Facebook allow you to customize the level of security for your account. For example, you can choose who can and can't see what you post and limit the amount of information an application can access. People must be careful of what they upload because people can take this personal information and use it immorally. You need to be cautious of whether or not these sites are secure when filling out forms asking for social security or other important personal information. They must be aware that identity thefts and fraud exist even with privacy and confidentiality.


  1. We still need to have trust in the company to not sell our information to advertisers and other companies.

  2. im thinking about deleting my facebook eventually. it feels that privacy agreements are getting sketchier by the day
