Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Next New

New media is rapidly advancing. For the next new thing, I would like to see a holograms come out of smartphones. Instead of scrolling through the words of an email, I would like to have a visual hologram read my emails to me, similar to a personal assistant, maybe a hologram of Siri. Another example of this being used would be when you're watching the news, a hologram of the anchorman or weatherman would show up, telling you the forecast. I've seen holograms used for the audience to relive a Tupac concert. Maybe stuff like that can be developed in our smartphones in the near future.


  1. I can foresee this idea coming to fruition in the future. Back then we never thought that touch screen technology will be possible, but look at us now, we have came up with Google glasses and Apple watch, accessories that are compacted with technology. Maybe one day we'll be able to see Tupac and Biggy rapping together.

  2. Holograms would be very interesting in the future, I feel like it would overshadow and replace a lot of current technologies.

  3. Wow, that sounds really awesome! I'd love to have holograms coming out of my phone. Generally holograms would be amazing to use like they do in superhero movies.
